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SearchTrainIndia : Search Indirect Trains Between Cities in India
UdyogX Trains is an innovative website to search direct and indirect trains between cities or railway stations in India. Our AI based search allow you to plan journey to remotest of location by displaying numerous connecting trains from your source station. Now search trains between any pair of city across India. Be it from a tier-4 city like Gangtok and Datia to Delhi or tier-3 city like Bhatinda and Jaisalmer to Mumbai, UdyogX will show you all direct and indirect trains in a jiffy.
Also just by entering train number or name you can view complete train schedule, route-map, fare, speed and images. The website also provide comparative analysis of trains running on the same route. You can also view address of railway stations, images and trains travelling through it by simply entering train name or number.
This website is for all those who enjoy travelling in Indian railways and wish to have one website to easily search train between stations in India.
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